Saturday 21 January 2012


Islamic Architecture of Persia:
The fall of the Persian empire to invading Islamic forced led to the creation of remarkable religious buildings in Iran.
Arts such as calligraphy,stucco work,mirror work and mosaics became closely tied with architecture in Iran in the new era.
Combination of mirror work,stucco work and fine Geometry

Many experts believe the period of Persian architecture from 15th  through  17th centuries CE to be the pinnacle of the post-Islamic era.Various structures such as mosques,mausoleums,bazaars,bridges and places have survived from this period.
SAfavid Isfahan tried to achieve grandeur in scale(Isfahan's Naghsh-i Jahan Square is the sixth largest square worldwide)
Naghsh-i Jahan Square-See 360' view
When the major monuments of Islamic Persian architecture are examined,they reveal complex geometrical relationships,a studied hierarchy of form and ornament and great depths of symbolic meaning.
In the words of Arthur U. Pope,who carried out extensive studies in ancient Persian an Islamic buildings:
"The meaningful impact of Persian architecture is versatile.Not overwhelming but dignified,magnificent and impressive."


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