Saturday 4 February 2012

          Assignment Title: Presenting Photo Images

Student:Mahdieh Bakhtiari


Why have you presented your work in this manner?
In general I prefer to print all the photos which I admire. When I print out the photo to my hand, and look at it, I got totally new different and interesting feeling. Maybe it’s a main reason that I prefer to print my photos as a book. If I want to say why to chose a photo book ,I should say because a photo book was best way to organise and compose photos together and also I can keep them in better form for future.
Describe the process for presenting your work.
As the first step I chose better photos which had a good composition, balance, shadow, and some of them are my favourite photos, between many photos. After that I was searching long in the various websites, and looked for a vertical photo book. Because I think for higher building including churches a vertical frame is a better form. But I couldn’t find it. All of them, which I found had a different problem. Finally I chose “Photo Box”. Because I have used that already, and I knew it’s faster than other websites. Also I was sure about photo box’s quality. Additionally I think it has a flexible software and much easier than other. After this step I tried to order my photos in I    

Describe other presentation methods considered and give a explanation for deciding against them.
At first I decided to present my first theme on a blog and second theme(portrait)   as a photo book. But I changed my mind, Because in my opinion when you print photos, you can see all the feelings and presented on the photos, all I want to emphasis all shots on this exact photo, therefore I decided to print them as well. Additionally I was thinking some time about printing theme as a A4 canvas, but unfortunately it was too expensive.

What health and safety considerations did you observe?
I think doing my work was quite safe. I hadn’t have any problems. Just when I wanted go to derelict and disused churches. I was careful about wild animals and prickles. I was finishing my work before getting dark. Because these areas were a bit scary in the night.

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